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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:I think you did great kid!To settle any unwanted rumors though I must say I did make you yell at me .but who to carry such an intense role other than you. This will be a fight you'll have to carry on. Though I must say I did learn from you though this trip in Milan. You have a kind heart kid. Keep up the good stuff.是什么意思?

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I think you did great kid!To settle any unwanted rumors though I must say I did make you yell at me .but who to carry such an intense role other than you. This will be a fight you'll have to carry on. Though I must say I did learn from you though this trip in Milan. You have a kind heart kid. Keep up the good stuff.

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
我认为您做了了不起的孩子! 要安定所有不需要的谣言,虽然我必须说我使您对我叫喊运载这样一个强烈的角色的.but除您之外。这将是您将必须继续的战斗。虽然我必须说我从您虽则学会了这次旅行在米兰。您有一个亲切的心脏孩子。保持好材料。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
我认为你是好孩子 !要解决任何有害的谣言,但我必须说我做的你吼我,但谁去执行这种强烈的作用,而不是您。这将是一场战斗,你必须坚持下去。尽管我必须说我吸取了你虽然这次在米兰的旅行。你有颗善良的心的孩子。保持好的东西。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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