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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:China is a large oil importing countries. In recent years, PetroChina to construct stronger competitive international trading system, Singapore, London, New York as the center of Asia, respectively, Europe and America to build three major oil and gas operations center, to enhance the discourse power and the influence o是什么意思?

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China is a large oil importing countries. In recent years, PetroChina to construct stronger competitive international trading system, Singapore, London, New York as the center of Asia, respectively, Europe and America to build three major oil and gas operations center, to enhance the discourse power and the influence o

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
中国是大的石油进口国。近年来中, 石油分别构建更强竞争国际贸易体系,新加坡、 伦敦、 纽约为中心的亚洲,欧洲和美国建立三个主要的石油和天然气业务中心,以提高话语权和中国石油企业在国际市场的影响。在香港机场,中国石油是航空煤油的最大供应商。测量油公司是主要包括四个指标,即输出的原油、 天然气生产、 原油加工量及油和天然气的销售。基于中国石油和天然气资源有很好的生产。原油和天然气将会继续保持未来的增长。中石油将继续实施储量增长高峰期工程,企业预计在 2015年原油输出,它将达到或超过 1.1 吨。天然气已进入快速增长期,预计的增长势头将会更快,比原油。在煤层气,中国石油 1500年米浅埋煤层甲烷开
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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