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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:The greatest point of interest in Shichahai today is its residences, Hutong and Courtyard. In and around Beijing City, Shichahai is one of the best places to view well-preserved Hutongs and courtyards. Visiting Hutongs by pedicab has become a popular activity for visitors from China and abroad. The most famous Hutong i是什么意思?

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The greatest point of interest in Shichahai today is its residences, Hutong and Courtyard. In and around Beijing City, Shichahai is one of the best places to view well-preserved Hutongs and courtyards. Visiting Hutongs by pedicab has become a popular activity for visitors from China and abroad. The most famous Hutong i

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
最巨大的问题的兴趣在什刹海今天是它的住所、Hutong和庭院。在北京市附近,什刹海是观看保存良好的Hutongs和庭院的其中一个最佳的地方。由pedicab的参观的Hutongs成为了海外访客的普遍的活动从中国和。最著名的Hutong是金Si陶,实际上包括18 hutongs并且保留Hutong地区原始的布局。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
最巨大的问题的兴趣在Shichahai今天是它的住所、Hutong和庭院。 在和在北京市附近, Shichahai是观看保存良好的Hutongs和庭院的其中一个最佳的地方。 参观的Hutongs由pedicab成为了普遍的活动为海外访客从中国和。 最著名的Hutong是金Si陶,实际上包括18 hutongs并且保留Hutong地区原始的布局。 另一个是被歪曲的烟丝袋街道 (Yandai Xiejie),意味看似一个长被抽去的管子的一条倾斜街道。 这条街道曾经是卖长被抽去的管子的一条著名街道。 在Shichahai地区东边,南锣和鼓车道 (Nanluogu Xiang) 是为它的悠久的历史、H
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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