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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Navigation ("Go to page") is identified as on of the tasks in the "Taskonomy" (sic) of WWW use invented by Byrne at al. [BJWC99] However, search as a navigation tool has not been scrutinized much so far, maybe because search engines have become proficient at this only in recent years.是什么意思?

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Navigation ("Go to page") is identified as on of the tasks in the "Taskonomy" (sic) of WWW use invented by Byrne at al. [BJWC99] However, search as a navigation tool has not been scrutinized much so far, maybe because search engines have become proficient at this only in recent years.

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
导航( “到页” )被识别为上的万维网使用的由伯恩等人发明的“ Taskonomy ” (原文如此)的任务。
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
航海 (“在“Taskonomy) ”去呼叫”被辨认如任务 (sic) Byrne发明的万维网用途在Al (因为) 查寻引擎只近年来,变得熟练在此到目前为止然而BJWC99,查寻作为航海工具未被详细检查,可能。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
确定了导航 ("转到页面") 作为在任务中"Taskonomy"(原文如此) 的 WWW 使用发明的伯恩在人 [BJWC99] 然而,搜索作为一个导航工具不审议至今已多到目前为止,也许因为搜索引擎已经成为近几年才精通这。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
航行 (“去翻阅” ) 被识别为上在“Taskonomy”中的任务中 ( 电容率 )WWW 中使用发明通过对 al 的 Byrne。(BJWC99 ) 然而,搜索当一种航行工具没有迄今为止被细察过,或许因为搜索引擎成为在这的精通仅仅在近几年。

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