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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Jamie, aged 6t, was about to be excluded from school because of aggressive behaviour in the playground. He provoked other boys to attack him and then retaliated with loss of self control. There was no playground supervision and although she was reluctant to do this, the teacher's only solution, one which suited Jamie w是什么意思?

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Jamie, aged 6t, was about to be excluded from school because of aggressive behaviour in the playground. He provoked other boys to attack him and then retaliated with loss of self control. There was no playground supervision and although she was reluctant to do this, the teacher's only solution, one which suited Jamie w

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
Jamie,年迈的6t,将从学校被排除由于进取的行为在操场。 他挑衅其他男孩攻击他然后报复了以自我控制损失。 没有操场监督和,虽然她勉强做此,老师的唯一的解答,很好适合Jamie的一,是保留他户内。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
杰米,老年 6t,正要被排除学校在操场上的侵略行为。他激起了其他的男孩来攻击他,然后进行报复,失去自我控制。没有操场监督,虽然她不愿意这样做,老师唯一的解决办法,其中适合杰米,是要留他在屋里。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
年龄 6t 的 Jamie,即将从学校被排斥因为在游乐场的具竞争性行为。他激怒其他男孩攻击他,然后报复随着自己控制的损失。没有游乐场监督和虽然她是不情愿的做这,老师的唯一的解决方案,好地适合 Jamie 的一个,是在室内保管他。

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