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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Pratt Institute is accepting applications on a rolling basis for its prestigious School of Architecture ranked among the top architecture schools by Archifund. We encourage you to apply within the next two weeks as decisions are made in early March. All programs but the post professional programs in architecture and u是什么意思?

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Pratt Institute is accepting applications on a rolling basis for its prestigious School of Architecture ranked among the top architecture schools by Archifund. We encourage you to apply within the next two weeks as decisions are made in early March. All programs but the post professional programs in architecture and u

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
普拉特学院接受申请根据为在顶面建筑学学校之中排列的建筑学它有名望的学校的辗压依据由Archifund。 当决定在3月初期,做出我们鼓励您在下二个星期内申请。 所有节目,但岗位专业节目在建筑学和都市设计是开放的对学生以程度在所有领域。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
普拉特学院接受上轮流以其著名的学校结构的应用程序排名由 Archifund 顶式建筑学校。我们鼓励您在接下来的两周内适用,一如在 3 月初作出决定。所有程序,但在建筑学和城市设计的邮政专业程序是开放的在任何领域的学位的学生。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
Pratt 学院在接受申请在其 的一个滚转的基础上建筑的有声望的学校通过 Archifund 在最高建筑学校中排位。我们鼓励你在未来二星期内应用由于决定在 3 月初被做出。所有程序但是在建筑和城市的设计的邮政专业人士程序在任何田地向有度的学生开放。

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