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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:The test must also be carried out on 2 healthy guinea -pigs weighing 250 g to 400 g. Inject intraperitoneally into each animal 1 human dose but not more than 5.0 mL. The human dose is that stated on the label of the preparation to be examined or on the accompanying leaflet. Observe the animals for 7 days.是什么意思?

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The test must also be carried out on 2 healthy guinea -pigs weighing 250 g to 400 g. Inject intraperitoneally into each animal 1 human dose but not more than 5.0 mL. The human dose is that stated on the label of the preparation to be examined or on the accompanying leaflet. Observe the animals for 7 days.

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
试验还必须进行2健康豚鼠-pigs重250g至400g 。
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
在称250 g到g.腹膜内注射入每动物1人的药量,但是不超过5.0 mL的400的2间健康试验品必须也进行测试。人的药量是在伴随的传单陈述的在准备的标签将被审查或那。观察动物7天。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
weighing 250 g的The test must also be carried out on 2 healthy guinea-pigs 400 g. 腹膜内注射入每动物1人的药量,但不超过5.0机器语言。 人的药量是在伴随的传单陈述的在准备的标签将被审查或那。 观察动物7天。
  • 匿名
2013-05-23 12:26:38
测试还必须进行 2 健康几内亚-猪只共重 250 克至 400 g.插入腹腔注射入每个动物 1 人体剂量但不是超过 5.0 毫升。人类的剂量是指出,待测样品的标签上或随附的传单。7 天观察动物。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
测试必须也在 2 个健康的几尼上被进行 - 对 400 g 而言重视 250 g 的猪。腹膜内地注射到每服动物 1 服人的药中但是不多于 5.0 mL。人的药是那陈述在附带传单上或在有待审查的筹备的标签上。7 天来观察动物。

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