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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Finally, this distinction between risk and uncertainty is not so relevant, it is more important to know that against a determinist model, a probabilistic one is used and the risk and the uncertainty are modelled considering aleatory variables. As shown above, the issues on the theory of decision appear to be reduced to是什么意思?

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Finally, this distinction between risk and uncertainty is not so relevant, it is more important to know that against a determinist model, a probabilistic one is used and the risk and the uncertainty are modelled considering aleatory variables. As shown above, the issues on the theory of decision appear to be reduced to

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
终于,风险之间的这分别和不确定性不是,那么相关,知道是更加重要的反对决定论者模型,一机率你使用,并且被塑造考虑侥幸可变物的风险和不确定性。 如所示上述,问题在决定的理论在多数情况看上去减少到作用的损失,冒险的最后的评估财政自然表示。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
最终,在风险和不确定性之间的这差别不是这样相关的,它是更重要的知道反对一个决定论者模型,盖然论的一个被使用和风险和不确定性考虑到 aleatory 变量被模拟。当上面被显示,有关决定的理论的问题好象被缩小到损失的一项功能的最后评估,吸收财政自然的表达的风险多数处境。

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