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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:almost three quarters of the earth is water,many fish and sea animals live in the streams,rivers,lakes,seas and oceans on the earth.whales,dolphins and sharks are sea animals.whales are the largest animals on the earth.dolphins are one of the most intelligent animals.sharks are one of the most dangerous animals.in the 是什么意思?

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almost three quarters of the earth is water,many fish and sea animals live in the streams,rivers,lakes,seas and oceans on the earth.whales,dolphins and sharks are sea animals.whales are the largest animals on the earth.dolphins are one of the most intelligent animals.sharks are one of the most dangerous animals.in the

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
近四分之三的地球是水,许多鱼类和海洋动物生活在溪流,河流,湖泊,海洋上的earth.whales ,海豚和鲨鱼是海animals.whales是​​最大的动物在earth.dolphins是
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
差不多; 几乎
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
地球的差不多四分之三是水,许多鱼和海洋动物在小河,河,湖,海居住,并且海洋在earth.whales、海豚和鲨鱼是海animals.whales是最大的动物在earth.dolphins是其中一个最聪明的animals.sh平底船是一个最危险的animals.in海洋, yo可能发现海星,并且海horses.they是有趣,并且美丽的海animals.people从oceans.fishermen用途网也得到食物捉住鱼,并且大虾在深海.the海洋是重要对所有动物在earth.we必须保留他们clean.we mustn \ ‘污染他们
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
几乎四分之三的地球是水,很多的鱼和海洋动物生活在小溪、 河流、 湖泊、 海洋和海洋上的 earth.whales,dolphins 和鲨鱼是海洋 animals.whales earth.dolphins 上最大的动物是最聪明的 animals.sharks 之一是其中一个最危险的 animals.in 海洋,哟找海星和海 horses.they 是有趣和美丽的大海 animals.people 也获得食品 oceans.fishermen 用网抓鱼和虾在深乐音海洋是重要的地球上的所有动物都必须都保持他们 clean.we mustn\' 污染它们
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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