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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Hello again, how much would you want for this aluminum and the wood carving deer crane spring pulls wires Mo DouFolk you have just listed. Please make for me a less price as I buy a lot from you. How many more chalk lines do you have? Do you want to send me pictures of all of them. Maybe we make business for all of the是什么意思?

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Hello again, how much would you want for this aluminum and the wood carving deer crane spring pulls wires Mo DouFolk you have just listed. Please make for me a less price as I buy a lot from you. How many more chalk lines do you have? Do you want to send me pictures of all of them. Maybe we make business for all of the

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
你好再,多少您为这铝和木雕刻的鹿起重机春天拉扯导线Mo DouFolk将要您列出了。请为我做一个较少价格,我从您买很多。更多粉笔线您有多少?您要送我所有的图片。可能,如果您有或能得到,我们做所有的事务。请告诉我。Domo arrigato,劳伦斯Edelstein,
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
你好再,多少您为这铝和木雕刻的鹿起重机春天拉扯导线Mo DouFolk将要您列出了。 为我请做一个较少价格,我从您买很多。 更多粉笔线您有多少? 您想要送我所有的图片。 可能,如果您有或能得到,我们做事务为所有。 请告诉我。 Domo arrigato,劳伦斯Edelstein,
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
你好再一次,将你想要多少这铝和木雕鹿鹤春拉电线你刚才列举的 Mo DouFolk。请给我一个我从你那里买了很多的低价格。多少更多的粉笔线做你有?你想要寄给我的所有这些图片。也许我们做业务对于他们来说,如果你有,或可以得到。请让我知道。劳伦斯 · 埃德尔斯坦 Domo arrigato
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
喂再次,多少会你想要对这铝和使拉电线你刚列出了的 Mo DouFolk 努力获得鹿起重机春天的森林。请容许我更少价格当我从你购买很多。多少更用粉笔画线你有?做你想寄给我全部的画。或许我们为全部做出商业如果你有或可以到达。请告诉我。Domo arrigato,劳伦斯 Edelstein,

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