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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:To bring out fully the unmist akable aroma,flavor and color or pure saffron ,infuse either grond or whole stranda in a little warm water.Before adding to the food .whole stands make exquisite decorations for any dish是什么意思?

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To bring out fully the unmist akable aroma,flavor and color or pure saffron ,infuse either grond or whole stranda in a little warm water.Before adding to the food .whole stands make exquisite decorations for any dish

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
为了衬托出充分的unmist akable香气,味道和颜色或纯红花,无论是注入或grond整个斯特兰达在一点点温暖water.Before增加.whole代表做出精美的装饰品任何菜食品
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
充分地要提出unmist akable芳香,味道和颜色或者纯净的番红花,灌输grond或整个stranda在一点温暖的水中。在增加到食物.whole前立场做所有盘的精妙的装饰
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
充分地要提出unmist akable芳香,味道和颜色或者纯净的番红花,在少许温暖的水中灌输grond或整体stranda。在增加到食物.whole之前立场做精妙的装饰为所有盘
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
带出充分的 unmist akable 香气、 风味和颜色或纯藏红花,注入微粉在水泥或整个斯丹达一点温暖的水中。将添加到食品.whole 之前使任何一道菜的精美装饰品
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
完全搞出不薄雾 akable 芳香,味道和颜色或完美的 saffron,在增加食物的一点点温暖的 water.Before 中注入或者 grond 或者整个 stranda .whole 站立为任何菜做出精致的装饰

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