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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:诗人在恰尔德.哈洛尔德的形象里, 反映出自己生活与性格的某些特点:高傲冷漠,不羁,对上流社会的憎恶和鄙视等。但主人公那种冷漠景观的消极的生活态度则和诗人不同。诗人热切关注人民的斗争,焦虑着人民未来的命运和前途,怀抱着从事英雄事业的理想。是什么意思?

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诗人在恰尔德.哈洛尔德的形象里, 反映出自己生活与性格的某些特点:高傲冷漠,不羁,对上流社会的憎恶和鄙视等。但主人公那种冷漠景观的消极的生活态度则和诗人不同。诗人热切关注人民的斗争,焦虑着人民未来的命运和前途,怀抱着从事英雄事业的理想。

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
The poet, DE, HALO's image, and reflects his own life and character of some of the characteristics: haughty indifference, dissolute man who, in the upper-class hatred and contempt, and so on. The main character that cold landscape of the negative attitude toward life, and poet. Poet keen interest th
  • 匿名
2013-05-23 12:24:58
Poet in exactly your Germany. Harlow you in Germany's image, reflected own live and disposition certain characteristics: Arrogant indifferent, unconventional, and despises and so on to upper circles of society's detesting.But leading character that kind of indifferent landscape negative life manner
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
Poet in Jharkhand de. haluoerde image, reflecting certain characteristics of his life and personality: proud indifference, Bohemian, upper-class hatred and scorn, etc. Hero but that indifferent landscape of negative attitude to life and the poet is different. Poets concerned people's struggle, anxio
  • 匿名
2013-05-23 12:28:18

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