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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Two female Armed Policewomen clean a marble post near the Chinese national flag in Beijing’s Tian’anmen Square yesterday. Sheand more than 200 fellow officers were mobilized to clean guard rails in preparation forthe opening of the “Two Sessions.”More than3,500 lawmakers and 2,000 political advisers willmeet at the Gre是什么意思?

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Two female Armed Policewomen clean a marble post near the Chinese national flag in Beijing’s Tian’anmen Square yesterday. Sheand more than 200 fellow officers were mobilized to clean guard rails in preparation forthe opening of the “Two Sessions.”More than3,500 lawmakers and 2,000 political advisers willmeet at the Gre

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
两位女性武装的女警在中国国旗附近昨天清洗一个大理石岗位在北京的天安门广场。Sheand超过200名官员被动员为准备“两个会议的开头清洗仔猪栏。”在人民大会堂的更多than3,500立法委员和2,000政治顾问willmeet从3月3日到15日。— CFP
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
两个女武装女警清洁附近在昨天北京的天安门广场国旗的大理石哨所。你我她超过 200 的同僚被动员起来,清洁护栏在筹备开幕的全国"两会"。更多的 than3、 500 的立法者和 2,000 的政治顾问和平从 3 月 3 到 15 日人民大会堂。— — CFP
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
二名女性被武装的女警察在北京的 Tian'anmen 广场 在中国国旗附近昨天清理一种大理石的邮政。Sheand 超过 200 伙伴官员被动员在筹备中清理防护栏“二届会议”的打开的 forthe。更多 than3,500 立法者和 2,000 名政治顾问 willmeet 在从 3 月的人的伟大的霍尔处 3 至 15。- CFP

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