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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:A trained UTD model can assign each thread in the test set to an existing cluster. In addition, user-thread relationships inside of the training set were extracted to construct a bipartite graph and compute graph-based user similarity. The test set was used to evaluate the ranking algorithms.是什么意思?

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A trained UTD model can assign each thread in the test set to an existing cluster. In addition, user-thread relationships inside of the training set were extracted to construct a bipartite graph and compute graph-based user similarity. The test set was used to evaluate the ranking algorithms.

  • 匿名
2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
一个训练的UTD模型在被设置的测试可能分配每条螺纹到现有的群。 另外,用户穿线关系在训练集合里面被提取修建一张两份图表,并且计算图表根据用户相似性。 测试集合用于评估等第算法。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
受过训练的 UTD 模型可以将测试设置到现有群集中的每个线程分配。此外,用户线程关系在训练集进行提取,构建二部图和基于图形的用户相似度计算。测试集用于评估排序算法。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
一个被训练的 UTD 模特可以指定在被设置为一现有一串的测试中的每条线。此外,里面用户线的关系训练套中被解压缩至构思一幅 bipartite 图表和计算基于图表的用户类似。被设置的测试用于评价高级的算法。

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