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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:“Language can mean in two fundamental ways, both of which are intimately linked to cultures through what it says or what it refers to as an encoded sign(semantics), and through what it does as an action in context(pragmatics).” (Manser 2002: 119-121) Since numbers are signs of languages, their function is not simple li是什么意思?

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“Language can mean in two fundamental ways, both of which are intimately linked to cultures through what it says or what it refers to as an encoded sign(semantics), and through what it does as an action in context(pragmatics).” (Manser 2002: 119-121) Since numbers are signs of languages, their function is not simple li

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
“语言可以两种基本方式,这两者是密切它说什么或它是指作为编码符号(语义) ,并通过它的作用如在上下文(语)的动作,通过连接于培养物的意思。 ” (
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
"语言能指两种基本方式,这两个国家紧密相连到文化通过它说了什么或它指编码的 sign(semantics),并通过它作为一种在 context(pragmatics) 的行为做了什么"。(曼瑟 2002年: 119-121)由于数字语言的迹象,它们的功能并非简单同样。他们有内涵及外延 (小学、 表面或显式的意思) (隐含的意义,除了其主要的成语组成的数字出现形成数字文化的一个特殊现象。这些短语、 习语进行区域性的信息。在古老的传统,数字绝大多数具有神圣的含义,并还承担迷信意蕴的好运或厄运。各种联合国有数字的不同偏好。某种程度上,数值词、 习语的文化内涵的理解是非常有用的人们感受到语言和文化的其
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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