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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:The principal components are initially obtained by rotating axes in order to line up with the natural extensions of the system, whereupon the new variables become uncorrelated and reflect the directions of maximum variance. If the resulting components do not have a satisfactory interpretation, they can be further rotate是什么意思?

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The principal components are initially obtained by rotating axes in order to line up with the natural extensions of the system, whereupon the new variables become uncorrelated and reflect the directions of maximum variance. If the resulting components do not have a satisfactory interpretation, they can be further rotate

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
的主成分是由以排队的系统的自然延伸旋转轴最初获得,于是新的变量变得不相关,并重新FL ECT最大方差的方向。
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
主成分最初得到了旋转轴,线与系统的自然扩展,于是新的变量变得不相关和 reflect 最大方差的方向。如果生成组件并没有令人满意的解释,他们可以进一步旋转,寻求许多的线性组合系数接近于零,简化的解释中的维度。然而,新的旋转的组件相关的和他们不先后要占最大的方差。他们不再,因此,在通常的意义上,主成分和其常规的使用是值得怀疑。改进的解释,你不妨试试因素分析 (第 13 章),旋转不会销毁任何属性。(在因素分析中,旋转并不涉及的变量 y1、 y2,......,yp,但另一个空间,空间的因子载荷。)
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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