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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:This observation corroborates that narcissistic chiral self-sorting has taken place. The dimer is sealed by a seam of twelve hydrogen bonds between the peptide backbones. Comparative analysis of the bond lengths, torsion angles, and non-covalent interactions indicates that the two hemispheres indeed have different taut是什么意思?

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This observation corroborates that narcissistic chiral self-sorting has taken place. The dimer is sealed by a seam of twelve hydrogen bonds between the peptide backbones. Comparative analysis of the bond lengths, torsion angles, and non-covalent interactions indicates that the two hemispheres indeed have different taut

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
这观察确认自恋chiral自已排序发生了。 二聚体由十二个氢键缝密封在肽中坚之间。 对钢筋锚着长度的比较分析,扭力渔,并且非共价互作用表明二个半球的确有不同的tautomeric形式。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
这种观察证实了自恋型手性自我分类已经发生。二聚体是由十二个氢键肽骨干之间的接缝密封的。粘结长度、 扭转角和非共价相互作用的比较分析表明这两个半球确实有不同的互变异构形式。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
这观察确证那自恋手性自我排序举行了。更暗淡被缩氨酸脊椎之间的十二张氢气债券的一条缝密封。债券长度的比较的分析, torsion 钓鱼,非共有原子价的互动表示二个半球确实有不同 tautomeric 形成。

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