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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:• The recent emergency at Quecreek and close calls at other underground mines emphasize the importance of being able to detect voids before mining begins. The Mining Program should investigate the applicability of current or newly developed technology in detecting voids, especially those containing water, and should co是什么意思?

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• The recent emergency at Quecreek and close calls at other underground mines emphasize the importance of being able to detect voids before mining begins. The Mining Program should investigate the applicability of current or newly developed technology in detecting voids, especially those containing water, and should co

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
• 在采矿开始之前,最近紧急状态在Quecreek和危急关头在其他地下矿强调重要性的能查出空隙。 采矿节目在查出空隙,包含水的特别是那些应该调查当前或新开发的技术的适用性,并且应该考虑开发定期规程的好处改进采矿在老矿和在风险地质情况附近。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
• 在 Quecreek 最近的紧急情况和其他地下矿山开采密切的要求强调能够检测到空隙,挖掘开始之前。采矿方案应进行调查的当前或新开发的技术在检测空洞,特别是那些包含水,适用性,并应考虑制订例行程序,改进挖掘老煤矿和高危地质条件的好处。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
* 在其他地下矿在 Quecreek 和死里逃生的最近的紧急情况强调能在开矿之前检测空间的重要性开始。开矿程序在发现方面应该调查当前或者刚被发展的技术的可用性排泄,尤其那些控制水,应该考虑发展日常工作程序在旧矿的附近改善开矿的好处和冒险地质的条件。

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