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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:consists of clay minerals(Na-montmorillonite) deposited on a glass substrate and covered with crude-oil droplets and in which different effects can be separated to increase our fundamental understanding. We focus particularly on the kinetics of oil detachment when exposed to low-salinity (LS) brine.是什么意思?

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consists of clay minerals(Na-montmorillonite) deposited on a glass substrate and covered with crude-oil droplets and in which different effects can be separated to increase our fundamental understanding. We focus particularly on the kinetics of oil detachment when exposed to low-salinity (LS) brine.

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
由粘土矿物( Na-蒙脱土)沉积在玻璃基板上,并覆盖有原油的液滴,并且其中不同的效果可被分开,以提高我们的基本理解。
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
包括黏土用(粗暴油) 小滴放置在玻璃基体和盖的矿物Na蒙脱石,并且在哪些不同的作用可以被分离增加我们的根本理解。 我们集中特别于油独立小分队动能学,当暴露在低盐分 (LS) 盐水时。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
由粘土 minerals(Na-montmorillonite) 玻璃衬底上沉积和覆盖与原油油滴和在哪些不同的影响可以分开来增加我们的基本理解。我们特别注重石油脱离时暴露在低盐度 (LS) 卤水的动力学。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
包含泥土 minerals(Na-montmorillonite) 在一种玻璃上付定金 substrate 和被原油小滴覆盖和,其中不同效果可以被分开增强我们的基本理解。我们尤其着重于被其暴露时的油分离的动力学到低-salinity(LS) 盐水。

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