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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:American business and American workers, the most productive in the world, are prime beneficiaries of free and open markets over seas. But to take advantage of the benefits of free trade, the busi ness victory has to go to the best competitor. Unfortunately that has often not been the case. All to often overseas contrac是什么意思?

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American business and American workers, the most productive in the world, are prime beneficiaries of free and open markets over seas. But to take advantage of the benefits of free trade, the busi ness victory has to go to the best competitor. Unfortunately that has often not been the case. All to often overseas contrac

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
美国事务和美国工作者,最有生产力在世界上,是自由和公开市场的头等受益人在海的。但是利用自由贸易的好处, busi岬胜利必须去最佳的竞争者。不幸地那经常不是实际情形。所有对经常国外合同由在桌下的那些提供的付款赢取了而不是在桌上的最佳的成交。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
美国事务和美国工作者,最有生产力在世界上,是自由和公开市场结束海的头等受益人。 但利用自由贸易的好处, busi岬突端胜利必须去最佳的竞争者。 不幸地那经常不是实际情形。 所有对经常国外合同由那些提供的付款在桌之下而不是最佳的成交在桌赢取了。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
美国商业和美国工人,最生产在世界上,是主要的受益人随便和在大量上的开放市场。但是利用自由贸易的好处, busi 海角胜利必须去最好的竞争者。很遗憾那有经常不案例。所有到在海外经常定合同在桌子下,而非最好地被那些提供付款赢得了桌子上的交易。

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