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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:The net load is the sum of two stochastic values, load and wind power. In a common sense, the load and wind power can be assumed to be uncorrelated. Such case may be also altered with increased distributed renewable generation deployed in demand side in the future. In this paper, with separated load and wind power, the是什么意思?

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The net load is the sum of two stochastic values, load and wind power. In a common sense, the load and wind power can be assumed to be uncorrelated. Such case may be also altered with increased distributed renewable generation deployed in demand side in the future. In this paper, with separated load and wind power, the

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
净装载是二随机价值、装载和风力的总和。 在常识,装载和风力能被预测是未关联的。 这样案件也许在将来也修改与增加的分布的可更新的世代部署的受欢迎的边。 在本文,以被分离的装载和风力,展望的净需求错误跟随高斯发行和如下给。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
净利的负荷是总和二 stochastic 值,装载和缠绕力量。在一项常识中,负荷和风力量可以假定被不使相互关联。这样的案例可能也跟被使用的日益增加分布式可更新的一代一起被更改被需要边将来。利用分开的负荷,在这篇文章中以及风力量,被预测的净需求的错误沿着 Gaussian 分配和获得如下。

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