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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:. Customer service center can serve customer better and develop customer satisfaction . and it integrates many type ways of customer contact and channel to accept consumer questions and suggestions , makes communication get more unhindered between L’Oreal and consumer . Through all-sided and the whole information of pr是什么意思?

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. Customer service center can serve customer better and develop customer satisfaction . and it integrates many type ways of customer contact and channel to accept consumer questions and suggestions , makes communication get more unhindered between L’Oreal and consumer . Through all-sided and the whole information of pr

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
. 顾客服务中心可能更好为顾客服务和开发用户满意。并且它集成许多客户联系的类型方式,并且接受消费者问题和建议的渠道,做通信变得不受妨碍在欧莱雅和消费者之间。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
. 顾客服务中心可能更好为顾客服务和开发用户满意。 并且它集成许多客户联系的类型方式,并且接受消费者问题和建议的渠道,牌子通信得到不受妨碍在L’ Oreal和消费者之间。 通过所有支持和产品检查的整体信息,立即更新信息,迅速回答和解决问题和可能准确地建立长期和平稳的合作,与顾客的相互有利关系。 那可能相互得到有利满意。 然后顾客忠诚将被开发。 并且顾客是L’ Oreal的忠诚顾客。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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