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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:This time there was the battle between the virgin hikikomori and the sexhaver. (;^_^A. There was no chance of victory there, huh. Tusk's and Embryo's lines were decided during storyboarding. You can't be too frank on TV, but we hinted at . Tusk has flourished a great deal during these 3 days and nights. Mental attacks 是什么意思?

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This time there was the battle between the virgin hikikomori and the sexhaver. (;^_^A. There was no chance of victory there, huh. Tusk's and Embryo's lines were decided during storyboarding. You can't be too frank on TV, but we hinted at . Tusk has flourished a great deal during these 3 days and nights. Mental attacks

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
那里这次是在处女hikikomori和sexhaver之间的争斗。(; ^_^A.没有胜利的机会那里,哼。在storyboarding期间,象牙的和胚胎的线决定了。您不可能是太坦率的在电视,但是我们暗示了来在Ange>里面的
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
这次没有处女蛰居和 sexhaver 之间的战斗。(;^_^A.胜利,没有机会吧。图斯克和胚胎的线被决定在故事板过程中。你不能在电视上,过于直率但我们暗示 < 图斯克有进 Ange >。图斯克蓬勃发展,大量期间这些 3 天和晚上。心理攻击是基本的。但正因为如此下, 个星期 Ange 是...
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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