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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:We now face an era of bacterial supremacy. The Gaia hypothesis that all the microorganisms on Rarth will behave as one organism almost seems tenable. Pathogens are no longer easy to define.even innocuous spoilage organisms are potential pathogens especially if present in high numbers.是什么意思?

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We now face an era of bacterial supremacy. The Gaia hypothesis that all the microorganisms on Rarth will behave as one organism almost seems tenable. Pathogens are no longer easy to define.even innocuous spoilage organisms are potential pathogens especially if present in high numbers.

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
我们现在面对细菌霸权时代。 所有微生物在Rarth将表现的Gaia假说,一个有机体几乎似乎站得住脚。 病原生物不再是容易对define.even无害损坏有机体是潜在的病原生物,特别是如果当前在高数量。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
我们现在面临一个细菌至上的时代。关于稀土的所有微生物几乎都将都表现为一种有机体的盖亚假说似乎站不住脚。病原体是不再易于 define.even 无害腐败菌是潜在的病原体尤其是如果中大量存在。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
我们现在面对时代细菌的至高无上。Rarth 上的所有微有机体将举止规矩的 Gaia 假设当一个有机体几乎看起来可维护的。病菌不再是容易 define.even 无伤大雅的 spoilage 有机体尤其是潜在病菌如果在高数字中的礼物。

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