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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:in his great speech at Stanford commencetent,he give the great example where he look calligraphy,and a decade later,it came the basis of the beautiful macintosh fonts,which later ignited desktop publishing,and brought wonderful tools like Microsoft word to our lives.是什么意思?

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in his great speech at Stanford commencetent,he give the great example where he look calligraphy,and a decade later,it came the basis of the beautiful macintosh fonts,which later ignited desktop publishing,and brought wonderful tools like Microsoft word to our lives.

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
在他的巨大讲话在斯坦福commencetent,他给后了不起的例子,他看书法和一个十年,它来了美丽的macintosh字体的依据,以后点燃桌面排版,并且给我们的生活带来了美妙的工具象Microsoft Word。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
在斯坦福大学的 commencetent 在他伟大的演说,他给了很好的例子,在那里他看书法,和十年后,它来了美丽的 macintosh 字体,它后来点燃了桌面出版和给我们的生活带来了非常棒的工具,像 Microsoft word 的基础。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
在他的斯坦福的重要的演讲中 commencetent,他给伟大的榜样哪里他看书法,一十年以后,它来美丽的 Macintosh 字体的基础,更迟被点燃的桌面排版,将像 Microsoft 词那样的精采的工具带给我们的生命。

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