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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:The film takes various dramatic liberties with the history it portrays. Slate wrote that "the Stephen played by Eddie Redmayne is far gentler and more sensitive" than suggested in Travelling to Infinity.[26] They further noted that the character Brian, Hawking's closest friend at Cambridge in the film, is not based on 是什么意思?

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The film takes various dramatic liberties with the history it portrays. Slate wrote that "the Stephen played by Eddie Redmayne is far gentler and more sensitive" than suggested in Travelling to Infinity.[26] They further noted that the character Brian, Hawking's closest friend at Cambridge in the film, is not based on

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
这部电影以各种戏剧性自由的历史,它描绘了。石板写道"Stephen 发挥的埃迪雷德梅因是温柔得多和更敏感"比建议在旅行到无穷大。[26] 他们进一步注意到布莱恩,霍金的最亲密的朋友在剑桥大学在影片中,字符不基于一个真实的个体,但宁愿复合材料的几个他现实生活中的朋友。这部电影改变了一些周边开始 Stephen 和简的之间的关系,包括他们是如何相遇的并确认简知道他 ALS,他们在开始约会之前的事实的细节。石板评论这部电影轻描淡写霍金的固执和拒绝接受他的障碍,建议后,这本书更密切会作出霍金看起来像个"自恋的混蛋"的外部援助。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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