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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Bankers and suppliers appraise the financial soundness of a business organization and assess the risk involved before making loans and granting credits ,govement agencies are concerned with the financial activities of business organizations for purpose of taxation and regulation ,employees and their union represe是什么意思?

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Bankers and suppliers appraise the financial soundness of a business organization and assess the risk involved before making loans and granting credits ,govement agencies are concerned with the financial activities of business organizations for purpose of taxation and regulation ,employees and their union represe

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
银行家和供应商评价业务机构的财务稳健性和评估提供贷款和授信之前所涉及的风险, govement机构所关注的商业机构的税收和监管目的的金融活动,员工和他们的工会代表也极其感兴趣
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
银行家和供应商估价企业的财政有效性并且估计在做贷款和授予信用前介入的风险, govement机构与企业的财政活动征税的目的有关,并且章程、雇员和他们的联盟代表也是非常对聘用他们组织的稳定和有利感兴趣
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
银行家和供应商估价企业的财政酣然并且估计在做贷款和授予信用之前介入的风险, govement代办处与企业的财政活动有关为征税的目的,并且章程、雇员和他们的联盟代表也是非常对聘用他们组织的稳定和有利感兴趣
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
银行家 和 供应商评估财政稳固 的 一家商业机构 和评估做出贷款,承认信用贷款之前被含有的风险, govement 代理与征税和调整,员工和他们的联合代表目的 商业机构的财政活动有关重要地也对雇用他们的机构的稳定性和赢利性感兴趣

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