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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:It is also helpful to place constraints on the inclination of the slip surface in an automatic search to avoid very steep slip surfaces being considered where unreasonable solutions may exist due to nega- tive stresses at the toe of the slope.是什么意思?

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It is also helpful to place constraints on the inclination of the slip surface in an automatic search to avoid very steep slip surfaces being considered where unreasonable solutions may exist due to nega- tive stresses at the toe of the slope.

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
安置限制在滑动表面的倾向在一次自动查寻避免非常被考虑的陡峭的滑动表面也是有用的不合情理的解答也许存在于nega- tive重音在倾斜的脚趾的地方。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
安置限制在滑动表面的倾向在一次自动查寻避免非常被考虑的陡峭的滑动表面也是有用的不合情理的解答也许存在由于nega- tive重音在倾斜的脚趾的地方。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
它也是有助于对滑裂面的倾角约束置于自动搜索,以避免被认为不合理的解决方案可能存在由于 nega 敏感应力在坡脚的非常陡峭的滑动面。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
它也是有助于在一次自动搜索中将约束放到滑动表面的爱好上避免很急遽的滑动公开化被认为是哪里不合理的解决方案可能由于 nega 的 tive 存在强调在斜坡的脚趾。

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