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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:The proportion of nodes depended on the temperature and Srate; the proportion of nodes increased with Srate [26]. It means that when PTFE film was stretched up to 350%, part of this stretching led to nodes expansion and the rest, led to fibrils growth是什么意思?

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The proportion of nodes depended on the temperature and Srate; the proportion of nodes increased with Srate [26]. It means that when PTFE film was stretched up to 350%, part of this stretching led to nodes expansion and the rest, led to fibrils growth

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
节点的比例取决于温度和SRATE ;
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
结的比例依靠温度和Srate;结的比例增加了与Srate [26]。意味着,当PTFE影片被舒展了由350%决定,舒展一部分的此带领了结扩展和休息,被带领原纤维成长
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
结的比例依靠温度和Srate; 结的比例增加了与Srate (26)。 它意味着,当PTFE影片被舒展了由350%决定,一部分的此舒展被带领结扩展和休息,被带领原纤维成长
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
节点的比例取决于温度和事业 ;节点的比例随事业 [26]。它意味着,当聚四氟乙烯膜被拉长变高达 350%,导致节点扩展和休息,这一伸展的部分导致纤维增长
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
节点的比例取决于温度和 Srate ;节点的比例有 Srate 增加 (26)。表示 PTFE 电影被拉长时多达 350%,的一部分这拉长导致节点扩展和被导致的其余的小纤维成长

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