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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:"short song," mid-13c., from Old French lai "song, lyric," of unknown origin, perhaps from Celtic (compare Irish laid "song, poem," Gaelic laoidh "poem, verse, play") because the earliest verses so called were Arthurian ballads, but OED finds this "out of the question" and prefers a theory which traces it to a Germanic是什么意思?

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"short song," mid-13c., from Old French lai "song, lyric," of unknown origin, perhaps from Celtic (compare Irish laid "song, poem," Gaelic laoidh "poem, verse, play") because the earliest verses so called were Arthurian ballads, but OED finds this "out of the question" and prefers a theory which traces it to a Germanic

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
“短歌行”中13C 。 ,源自古法语来“的歌曲,歌词, ”来历不明,也许是从凯尔特人(比较爱尔兰奠定了“歌,诗, ”盖尔laoidh “诗,诗歌,玩” ),因为最早的
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
或许“短的歌曲”,中间13c。,从古法语lai “歌曲,抒情诗”,起源不明,从凯尔特语(比较爱尔兰语被放置的“歌曲、诗、”盖尔laoidh “诗,诗歌,戏剧”),因为所谓最早的诗歌是亚瑟王的民谣,但是OED发现这“毫无疑问”并且更喜欢踪影它对一个德国来源,例如老高德国leich “戏剧,曲调,歌曲的理论”。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
"短歌"中期-13 c.,从古老的法国荔枝"歌,歌词,"来历不明的也许从凯尔特人 (比较爱尔兰奠定了"歌曲,诗歌,"盖尔 laoidh"诗,诗,玩") 因为所谓的最早的诗句是亚瑟王的民谣,但牛津英语词典 》 认为这是"不可能的"并且更喜欢一种追溯到日耳曼源理论,诸如老高德国 leich"玩,旋律歌。"
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
“短的歌曲”,中间13c。,从老法国lai “歌曲,抒情诗”,起源不明,或许从凯尔特语 (比较爱尔兰被放置的%E

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