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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:\"Contracts are perfected by the mere consent, manifested by an offer and an acceptance that marks the end of the formative \'iter\' of the contract, the culimination of the preliminary acts of formation, which requires that the offer contains all the decisive elements of the object and cause so that the subsequent acc是什么意思?

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\"Contracts are perfected by the mere consent, manifested by an offer and an acceptance that marks the end of the formative \'iter\' of the contract, the culimination of the preliminary acts of formation, which requires that the offer contains all the decisive elements of the object and cause so that the subsequent acc

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
\ “合同是由单纯的同意完善,由要约,承诺的标志的形成\合同” ITER \ '末表现,对形成的初步行为culimination ,这就要求报价包含所有
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
\\ “合同由仅仅同意完善,体现由提议和指示形成\\ ‘iter的结束\\’的合同,形成初步行动culimination,要求的采纳提议包含对象和原因的所有果断元素,以便随后采纳确定情投意合,无需介绍修改将要求进一步协议。\\”
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
\ “合同由仅仅同意完善,体现由提议和指示形成\ ‘iter的末端\’的合同,形成初步行动culimination,要求的采纳提议包含对象和起因的所有果断元素,以便随后采纳确定情投意合,无需介绍修改将要求进一步协议。\”
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
\"Contracts 由单纯的同意,表现为要约、 承诺的标志着年底形成 \'iter\ 完善 ' 的合同,culimination 初步行为的形成,这就要求报价包含的对象和原因的决定性因素,以便随后接受确定会议的头脑,而不会引入需要进一步协议的修改。 \"
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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