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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:While these are valid concerns, they will only arise if there is confusion in roles. Contrary to the assertion above, this confusion is not inherent in the situation. The role of the chairman, according to the Cadbury report, is to ensure that the board is working well and living up to its responsibilities. Accordingly是什么意思?

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While these are valid concerns, they will only arise if there is confusion in roles. Contrary to the assertion above, this confusion is not inherent in the situation. The role of the chairman, according to the Cadbury report, is to ensure that the board is working well and living up to its responsibilities. Accordingly

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
当这些是合法的关心时,他们只将升起,如果有混乱在角色。 相反到上面主张,这混乱在情况不是固有的。 主席的角色,根据Cadbury报告,是保证委员会很好工作并且实现它的责任。 相应地,主席应该从组织的每日赛跑保持维护必要的透视保证委员会是在公司‟事理的完全控制。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
虽然这些都是值得关注的事项,他们只会出现如果角色混淆不清。与上面的说法,这种混乱不是固有的情况的。主席,根据吉百利报告的作用是确保审计委员会工作以及生活履行其责任。因此,主席应从日常运转的组织来维护需要,以确保审计委员会是在对 company‟ 事务的全面控制的角度来看。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
当这些是有效担忧时,他们将仅出现如果在作用中有混淆。上面与声明相抵触,这混淆在处境中不是固有的。主席的作用,根据 Cadbury 报告,是确保董事会好地工作和符合其责任。相应地,主席应该远离机构的日常的运转维持被需要确保董事会在公司的全面控制中的远景?事情。

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