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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:The already dry areas of southern China and the Indian subcontinent will lose 30 percent of their water availability if temperatures rise by 2°C, while some parts of South Asia could receive 10 percent more water and experience regular floods. A temperature increase of 34°C would cause sea levels to rise and storm surg是什么意思?

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The already dry areas of southern China and the Indian subcontinent will lose 30 percent of their water availability if temperatures rise by 2°C, while some parts of South Asia could receive 10 percent more water and experience regular floods. A temperature increase of 34°C would cause sea levels to rise and storm surg

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
中國南部和印度次大陸的已經乾燥的地區將失去他們的水供應的30% ,如果氣溫上升2 ℃,而南亞的部分地區可以收到10 %的水和經驗定期洪水。
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
如果氣溫上升 2 ° C,而南亞一些地區可以接收更多 10%的水和經驗經常洪水已經乾旱地區的中國南方和印度次大陸將失去 30%的水的供應。34 ° c 的溫度升高將導致海平面上升和暴風雨的衝擊向沿海地區和島嶼。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
已弄干面积的中国南部和印度次大陆将失去他们的水可用性的 30% 如果由 2 ° C 所作的温度的上升,当南亚的部分可以收到更多水和经验职业军人淹没的 10% 时。34 ° C 的温度的增长会使海平面上涨和咆哮在沿海地区和岛汹涌。

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