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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:This administrative email is being sent to you from Rockstar Games, 622 Broadway, NY, NY 10012. If you want the early word on all Rockstar game announcements, official launches, contests, special events, and more subscribe to the Rockstar Games Mailing List.是什么意思?

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This administrative email is being sent to you from Rockstar Games, 622 Broadway, NY, NY 10012. If you want the early word on all Rockstar game announcements, official launches, contests, special events, and more subscribe to the Rockstar Games Mailing List.

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
如果您想对所有的Rockstar游戏公告,正式推出,竞赛,特殊事件的初字,多订阅Rockstar游戏邮件列表这个管理电子邮件被发送到你的Rockstar游戏, 622百老汇,NY ,NY 10012. 。
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
此管理员的电子邮件被发送给您从 622 Rockstar 游戏百老汇,纽约,纽约州 10012。如果您希望早期 word 在所有 Rockstar 游戏公告,正式发起、 竞赛、 特别活动,订阅到 Rockstar 游戏邮件列表。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
这封行政电子邮件从摇滚明星比赛被在传送给你, 622 百老汇, NY, NY 10012。如果你想要有关所有摇滚明星游戏公告,正式的发射的早的词,比赛,特别的事件,更多订购摇滚明星游戏邮件发运清单。

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