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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Protein powder can also be made by high protein meat extrusion. Peanut is an important raw material for edible vegetable oil industry, can produce margarine, shortening, salad oil, cooking oil and the vegetable oil, can also be used as industrial raw materials. In addition to the simple processing of edible, after proc是什么意思?

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Protein powder can also be made by high protein meat extrusion. Peanut is an important raw material for edible vegetable oil industry, can produce margarine, shortening, salad oil, cooking oil and the vegetable oil, can also be used as industrial raw materials. In addition to the simple processing of edible, after proc

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
蛋白质粉末可能由高蛋白肉挤压也做。 花生是重要原料为可食的菜油产业,可能生产人造黄油,缩短,色拉油,烹调用油,并且菜油,可能也用作为工业原材料。 除简单处理可食之外,在处理以后能被做成营养富有,颜色,芬芳,品尝各种各样食物和医疗保健产品
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
蛋白粉也可通过高蛋白质肉挤压。花生是食用植物油行业重要的原料,可以生产人造奶油、 起酥油、 色拉油、 食用油和蔬菜油,也可以用作工业原料。外,食用,在简单加工处理可以制成营养丰富、 色、 香味后,品尝各种食品和卫生保健产品
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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