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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:It was found that after air flows through the solar air collector and heat pump, the temperature of the granary inlet air rises while the relative humidity decreases. During the experimental period,the average temperature difference between ambient air and granary inlet air reached about 8.9 C. The relative humidity of是什么意思?

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It was found that after air flows through the solar air collector and heat pump, the temperature of the granary inlet air rises while the relative humidity decreases. During the experimental period,the average temperature difference between ambient air and granary inlet air reached about 8.9 C. The relative humidity of

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
结果发现,通过在太阳能空气收集器和热泵空调FL OWS后,粮仓入口空气的温度上升的同时,相对湿度减小。
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
它被发现在空气flows以后通过太阳空气收藏家和热泵,粮仓入口空气的温度上升,当相对湿度减少时。 在实验时间,在自由流通的空气和粮仓入口空气之间的平均温度区别到达了大约8.9  C。 低于自由流通的空气粮仓入口空气的相对湿度变化了在13.6%~37.7%之间。 对太阳协助的热泵单位的用途加热自由流通的空气改进空气signifi的干燥能力cantly
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
它被发现之后通过太阳能空气集热器和热泵空气 flows,粮仓入口空气温度的上升而相对湿度降低。在实验期间,周围的空气和粮仓入口空气之间的平均温差达到约 8.9 摄氏度。粮仓入口空气相对湿度变化之间 13.6%~37.7%,即低于周围的空气。太阳能热泵机组,热空气的使用提高了空气有力地干燥机的生产能力
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
它是空气照建立那?啊唷通过日光的空气收藏家和热泵,壳仓水湾空气的温度上升而相对湿度减少。During the experimental period,the average temperature difference between ambient air and granary inlet air reached about 8.9 C.在 13.6% 之间被改变的壳仓水湾空气的相对湿度 ~ 是比环境空气更低的 37.7%。把环境空气加热的日光被帮助的热泵单位的使用提高空气的干燥的容量 signi?cantly

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