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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:After joining the WTO, foreign banks will compete with the Commercial Bank of our country. To be sure, the result of the competition will be the customer market segmentation. As of twenty-first Century, the banking industry, is not the most important assets concept, but the concept of the customer, who mastered the cus是什么意思?

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After joining the WTO, foreign banks will compete with the Commercial Bank of our country. To be sure, the result of the competition will be the customer market segmentation. As of twenty-first Century, the banking industry, is not the most important assets concept, but the concept of the customer, who mastered the cus

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
在加入WTO以后,外国银行与我们的国家商业银行将竞争。 当然,竞争的结果将是顾客市场细分化。 自21世纪,银行业,是没有最重要的财产概念,而是顾客的概念,掌握顾客将控制市场和在将来,将掌握财富的来源。 由于外国银行在二年在加入以后WTO将是为了公司顾客能提供RMB事务,在有限的过渡周期内,如何巩固,并且扩展市场份额,顾客成为了中国商业银行面对的一个主要争论点。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
加入 WTO 后,外资银行将与我国商业银行竞争。可以肯定的是,竞争的结果将是客户市场细分。到二十一世纪,银行业,不是最重要的资产概念,而是客户,就掌握了客户就拥有了市场的概念和未来,谁将掌握财富之源。考虑到外资银行在两年后,加入世贸组织将为企业客户提供人民币业务,如何在有限的过渡时期,为了巩固、 扩大市场占有率,客户已成为我国商业银行所面临的主要问题。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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