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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:During this maintenance window we do expect a disruption to customer server or VSI network connectivity of up to 90 seconds. This disruption could be in the form of intermittent packet loss, higher than normal latency, or both. Depending on specific customer configurations, some customers will experience this effect up是什么意思?

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During this maintenance window we do expect a disruption to customer server or VSI network connectivity of up to 90 seconds. This disruption could be in the form of intermittent packet loss, higher than normal latency, or both. Depending on specific customer configurations, some customers will experience this effect up

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
在这个维护窗口期间我们期待中断到顾客90秒服务器或VSI网络连通性。 这中断能是以断断续续的小包损失,更加高于正常潜在因素或者两个的形式。 在维护窗口期间,根据具体顾客配置,有些顾客将体验这个作用三不同倍。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
在此维护窗口期间我们预计到客户服务器或 90 秒 VSI 网络连接中断。这一中断可能形式的间歇数据包丢失,高于正常的延迟,或两者。根据客户的具体配置,有些客户会到三个单独的时代,在维护窗口期间起经历这种效果。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
在这扇维护窗口期间我们期待一个中断到客户服务器或高达 90 秒的 VSI 网络连接。这个中断可能以间歇包裹损失的形式,更高比正常的潜伏时间,或两个都。取决于特定客户配置,一些客户将经历这种效果在维护窗口期间的多达三个个别的时期。

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