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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:The villas can be seperated in two subcategories: Yin and Yang. The Yang villas wil be situated in more open area near the main functions of the Mountain Retreat, whereas the Yin villas will be more remote and more hidden within the trees. Both types will offer cutting edge architecture and luxury. With their design an是什么意思?

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The villas can be seperated in two subcategories: Yin and Yang. The Yang villas wil be situated in more open area near the main functions of the Mountain Retreat, whereas the Yin villas will be more remote and more hidden within the trees. Both types will offer cutting edge architecture and luxury. With their design an

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
别墅可以分隔在两个子类别:阴阳。 西港岛线的杨别墅位于更为开放区域的主要功能附近的别墅,而贤别墅将更多远程和更多的隐藏在了树林里。 这两种类型将提供最先进架构和豪华。 其设计和实现他们将会尊重自然环境。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
别墅在二个子范畴可以被分离: Yin和杨。 杨别墅wil在更多开阔地带位于在山撤退附近的主函数,而Yin别墅将是遥远和在树之内更掩藏。 两个类型将提供最尖端的建筑学和豪华。 以他们的设计和具体化他们将停留恭敬对自然环境。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
别墅可以分隔在两个子类别: 阴和阳。杨别墅西港岛线位于附近山区撤退,主要功能更加开放地区而阴别墅将更为遥远,而且更多隐藏在树。这两种类型将提供前沿建筑和豪华。与他们的设计与实现他们将呆在尊重自然生态环境。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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