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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:bone marrow were incorporated into ischemic tissues, and hence contributed to the development of the new vasculature. Almost simultaneously, Shi et al.7 provided evidence for the existence of CD34+ bone marrow-derived precursors that contributed to the endotheliali-zation process.是什么意思?

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bone marrow were incorporated into ischemic tissues, and hence contributed to the development of the new vasculature. Almost simultaneously, Shi et al.7 provided evidence for the existence of CD34+ bone marrow-derived precursors that contributed to the endotheliali-zation process.

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
骨髓被纳入缺血组织,因此有助于发展新的血管。 几乎在同一时间,石et al7提供的证据证明其存在的CD34+骨髓的前体,这有助于进行endotheliali的特别政治和非殖民化进程。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
骨髓被合并了到局部缺血的组织里,并且对新的脉管系统的发展贡献了。 几乎同时, Shi和al.7为的CD34+骨头骨髓获得的前体的存在对endotheliali-zation过程贡献提供了证据。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
骨髓被纳入缺血脑组织,进而促成新的脉管系统的发展。几乎同时,石 et al.7 提供证据的存在 CD34 + 骨髓源性前体,endotheliali 化进程作出贡献。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
骨髓被纳入局部贫血的组织,因此导致新 vasculature 的发展。几乎同时, Shi et al.7 提供证据用于 CD34 + 的存在为 endotheliali-zation 的过程撰稿的骨髓得到的先驱者。

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