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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:This last subject was so total in its distance from my experience that it was perhaps of most interest to me. The war had broken out just as he was finishing his D.Phil, and he was forced to leave England and return to his in the Pacific Northwest. With them, shortly afterward, he was taken to internment in the Minidok是什么意思?

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This last subject was so total in its distance from my experience that it was perhaps of most interest to me. The war had broken out just as he was finishing his D.Phil, and he was forced to leave England and return to his in the Pacific Northwest. With them, shortly afterward, he was taken to internment in the Minidok

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
最后一个问题是,在总的距离我的经验,也许是最让我感兴趣。 战争的爆发就在他完成其博士论文,他被迫离开英格兰,回到他在太平洋西北部地区。 ,随后不久,他被拘留的营地minidoka在爱达荷州。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
最后主题是很总的在它的从我的经验的距离或许它是多数利益对我。 战争发生了,当他完成他的D.Phil,并且他被迫使离开英国和回来到他的在和平的西北部。 与他们,短期之后,他在Minidoka阵营把带对扣留在爱达荷。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
这个最后的主题是这样总,以至从它也许有的我的经验其距离大多数对我感兴趣。战争正如他在完成他的 D.Phil 那样爆发了,他被迫离开英格兰,在太平洋西北中返回他的。跟他们一起,不久之后,他在爱达荷在 Minidoka 营地被送到拘留。

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