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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:The creases on the shoes still wount go away and you should have stuffed he inside of the shoe with tissue to prevent this problem. Its your responsibility to package it correctly sonit wount be damaged. If hey were high quality they would not creas that way是什么意思?

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The creases on the shoes still wount go away and you should have stuffed he inside of the shoe with tissue to prevent this problem. Its your responsibility to package it correctly sonit wount be damaged. If hey were high quality they would not creas that way

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
上的折痕的鞋仍然wount消失,您应该有塞满他的擦鞋的内在组织,以防止出现此问题。 其软件包您有责任正确sonit wount损坏。 嘿,如果是高质量他们不creas这样
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
折痕在鞋子wount仍然走开,并且您应该有充塞他在鞋子里面与防止这个问题的组织。 sonit wount正确地损坏它您的责任包装它。 如果嘿是高质量他们不会方式的creas
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
对鞋仍然 wount 折痕走开,你应该他用纸巾要防止此问题鞋内塞。其你的责任,将它打包正确 sonit wount 被损坏。如果说嘿很高的质量,他们将不钓鱼这种方式
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2013-05-23 12:28:18
有关鞋的折痕仍 wount 走开和你应该塞满他中具防止这个问题的组织的鞋中。其正确地包装它的你的责任 sonit wount 被损坏。如果嗨是高品质他们不会 creas 那样

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