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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:The oringinal objectvies of the investigatino have been met mostly. A PEST analysis has been successfully completed in relation to the tea industry and specifically to PG Tips. The market entry strategy for PG Tips in the Chinese marekt has been evaluated towards the end. The makeint mix of 4Ps has been successfully co是什么意思?

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The oringinal objectvies of the investigatino have been met mostly. A PEST analysis has been successfully completed in relation to the tea industry and specifically to PG Tips. The market entry strategy for PG Tips in the Chinese marekt has been evaluated towards the end. The makeint mix of 4Ps has been successfully co

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
该investigatino的oringinal objectvies已经满足大部分。
  • 匿名
2013-05-23 12:23:18
enter your required The oringinal objectvies Of The investigatino have been met mostly . A PEST analysis has been successfully completed in relation to the tea industry and specifically to PG Tips . The market entry strategy for PG Tips in the marekt Chinese has been evaluated towards the end . The
  • 匿名
2013-05-23 12:24:58
investigatino的oringinal objectvies主要遇见了得。 虫分析成功地完成了关于茶产业和具体地到页技巧。 市场词条战略为页技巧在中国marekt被评估了往末端。 4Ps的makeint混合成功地完成了。 然而以轻微的问题有发生在数据收集Princing期间,因为价格对茶倾向于对非常相应地晒干,价格的范围可以是非常多才多艺的。 决赛priceing是adjested到一个平均价格。 然而,最后, questionaire成功地完成了有一种轻微的误解,当我实施查询表,参加者汉语,但我实施查询表的英语版本。 我必须改变questionare方法到将问由我peronsally
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
霜霉病调查车务段 objectvies 大多已得到满足。关于茶产业、 特别是对 PG 提示 PEST 分析已成功完成。末 PG 的提示在中国市场的市场进入战略进行了评价。Makeint 混合的 4Ps 已成功完成。但是有轻微的问题又出现在定价问题,因为茶价格趋向于非常相应地季节,价格可以各种数据收集过程中的是非常多才多艺。最后的 priceing 一直到平均价格 adjested。最后,调查问卷了解是成功地完成,然而,在历来有小小的误会我发放调查问卷的参与者是中国,但我发放英文版的问卷调查。我不得不改变问卷方法对快速口头提出的问题我问 peronsally 和采取下的每一个答案
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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