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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:The flux and the composition of exhaust gases have been obtained by means of stoichiometric equations, relating the quantity of reagents and products. Calculations were performed for atmospheric air with a temperature of 15 C, relative humidity 60% and CO2 content 380 ppm. It has been assumed that the gas engine opera是什么意思?

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The flux and the composition of exhaust gases have been obtained by means of stoichiometric equations, relating the quantity of reagents and products. Calculations were performed for atmospheric air with a temperature of 15 C, relative humidity 60% and CO2 content 380 ppm. It has been assumed that the gas engine opera

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
涨潮和废气的构成通过化学计量学的等式得到了,关系试剂和产品的数量。 演算为大气空气执行了以温度15  C,相对湿度60%和二氧化碳内容380 ppm。 它假设,汽油引擎根据经营倾斜烧原则与70%过量空气。 在之下这些假定,废气构成的演算使用化学计量学的等式是直接的。 主要结果在表2被提出。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
利用有关的试剂和产品数量的计量方程,得到了流量和排气气体组成。大气中的空气温度为 15 C 进行了计算,相对湿度 60%和 CO2 含量 380 ppm。认为燃气发动机按照 70%的过剩空气的稀薄燃烧原则运作。根据这些假设,计算排气气体成分是直接使用化学计量方程。表 2 中介绍了主要的结果。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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