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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:The trust models aim to make the derivation of trust measures both intuitive and mathematically sound. The goal is to develop systems that in an automatic fashion are able to reason about trustin a similar way to humans whilea t the same time being robust against manipulation and avoiding typical human reasoning fallac是什么意思?

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The trust models aim to make the derivation of trust measures both intuitive and mathematically sound. The goal is to develop systems that in an automatic fashion are able to reason about trustin a similar way to humans whilea t the same time being robust against manipulation and avoiding typical human reasoning fallac

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
信任模型的目的在于使派生的信任措施这两个直观和数学。 我们的目标是开发一个系统,在自动方式,原因是能够对一个类似的方法信心对人类whileat同一时间被操控的强大和避免典型的人体推理谬论。 实际的执行,需要实际测试来确定一个合适的这一做法。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
做派生的信任模型目标信任测量直觉和数学上声音。 目标是开发在自动时尚能辩解关于trustin一个相似的方式对人whileat是健壮的反对操作和避免典型的人的推理谬论的同一时间的系统。 实用实施和经验主义测试是需要的确定这种方法的适合。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
信任模型的目标是使推导的信任措施,既直观又合理的数学。目标是开发系统,自动化的方式能够卓勤以类似的方式对人类 whileat 同一时间是抗操纵并避免典型人类的推理谬误的原因。实际执行情况和实证检验,以确定这种方法的适用性。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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