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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:Consumer Reports Online’s eRatings, rates merchantson the basis of test purchases carried out by Consumer Reports staff. Product review sites have also emerged,such as Epinions.com,in which reviews themselves are actually rated by other reviewers. Exceptfore Ratings, most ofthe systems do little to overcome the issue o是什么意思?

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Consumer Reports Online’s eRatings, rates merchantson the basis of test purchases carried out by Consumer Reports staff. Product review sites have also emerged,such as Epinions.com,in which reviews themselves are actually rated by other reviewers. Exceptfore Ratings, most ofthe systems do little to overcome the issue o

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
消费者报告网上的eRatings ,费率由merchantson消费者进行了测试购买的基础上报告的工作人员。
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
消费者报告网上eRatings,率merchantson测试购买的依据Consumer ・ Reports职员执行的。 产品回顾站点也涌现了,例如Epinions.com,回顾自己由其他评论者实际上对估计。 Exceptfore规定值,大多系统做一点克服建立最初的信任的问题为新的客商在电子商务竞技场,当强的名誉规定值一般需要时刻开发 (Pichler, 29)。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
消费者报告在线 eRatings、 费率 merchantson 由消费者报告人员进行试买行动的基础。产品评论网站也已经出现,如审查自己的 Epinions.com,in 实际上被其他审阅人。Exceptfore 评级系统的大多数人很少,克服建立在电子商务领域,为新客商的初始信任的问题,如良好的信誉评级一般需要时间来培养 [Pichler,29]。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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