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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:(4) financial synergy: mergers and acquisitions will bring benefit to the enterprise in the financial aspect, this benefit is achieved due to the tax law, accounting practices and securities transactions inherent role of monetary benefits, the main tax effect, through mergers and acquisitions can achieve a reasonable t是什么意思?

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(4) financial synergy: mergers and acquisitions will bring benefit to the enterprise in the financial aspect, this benefit is achieved due to the tax law, accounting practices and securities transactions inherent role of monetary benefits, the main tax effect, through mergers and acquisitions can achieve a reasonable t

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
( 4 )财务协同效应:并购将造福企业在金融方面,这样做的好处是由于税法实现,会计实务和证券交易的货币性福利固有角色,纳税主体作用,通过兼并和收购
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
(4) 财政共同作用: 合并和承购给企业在财政方面将带来好处,这个好处达到的归结于税法,认为的实践,并且金钱好处的证券交易固有角色,主要征税效应,通过合并和承购可能达到一种合理的避免纳税,股票价格作用,做股票收购储蓄评估企业市场变动影响股票价格,获取的公司可能选择收入,并且价格收入是相对地低的,但更高的每股盈余公司当承购目标。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
(4) 财务协同效应: 兼并和收购将为企业在财务方面的益处,这样做的好处实现由于税法、 会计实务和证券交易固有角色的金钱利益的主要税收效应,通过并购可以实现合理避税,股票价格效应,使得股票收购的股票评价企业市场影响股票价格的变化企业并购可以选择收益和价格收入是相对较低,但更高的收益,每股公司作为被收购目标。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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