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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:So the most ideal for advertising business advertising is advertising in the closely related to the contents of advertisements, and the target audience is the most close to the media. Directional transmission ads (narrow) arises at the historic moment under this requirement, narrow advertising is narrow and let us know是什么意思?

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So the most ideal for advertising business advertising is advertising in the closely related to the contents of advertisements, and the target audience is the most close to the media. Directional transmission ads (narrow) arises at the historic moment under this requirement, narrow advertising is narrow and let us know

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
因此,最理想的广告业务广告是广告,在密切与广告内容的,目标受众是最接近的媒体。 向变速箱广告(窄)产生的历史时刻根据这项规定,缩小广告是狭隘的,让我们知道,并让我们知道,是指广告客户直接放入网络的“相关文章的内容对周围介质。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
所以最理想的广告业务广告广告中密切相关的广告,内容,目标受众是最贴近自己的媒体。双向传输广告 (窄型) 出现在下这历史性的时刻要求,窄窄和让我们知道,让我们知道,广告是指客户广告直接放入网络的相关条款对周围介质的内容。狭义的广告在同一时间也可以按照客人的习惯,喜好,地理位置,访问信息,如历史,将窄有针对性广告到前面的访客真的很感兴趣,避免产生网民被迫去看心理学的理解。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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