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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:The successful news reports should be true, fresh, interesting and timely. Whether a report is successful or not, it is not only depends on it can accurately describe the modern trend of social development and quickly reflect the present Chinese dynamic cognitive environment, but also it can provide suitable Christense是什么意思?

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The successful news reports should be true, fresh, interesting and timely. Whether a report is successful or not, it is not only depends on it can accurately describe the modern trend of social development and quickly reflect the present Chinese dynamic cognitive environment, but also it can provide suitable Christense

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
成功的新闻报道应为真、新鲜、有趣的和及时的。 报告是否是成功或失败的经验,它不仅是取决于它可以准确地描述了现代社会发展的趋势和及时反映目前的中国动态认知环境,但它也可以提供适当的克里斯滕森刺激计划与目标受众。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
成功的新闻报告应该是真实,新鲜,有趣和实时性的。 不论报告是成功的,它是不仅取决于它可能准确地描述社会发展现代趋向和迅速反射当前中国动态认知环境,而且它可能提供适当的Christensen刺激以目标观众。
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
成功的新闻报道应真实、 及时、 新鲜、 有趣。一份报告是否成功与否,不是只取决于在它可以准确地描述了现代社会发展的潮流和快速反映了目前中国的动态认知环境,但也它能提供合适的克里斯滕森刺激与目标受众。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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