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关注:1 2013-05-23 12:21

求翻译:The fact that most of the previously mentioned studies have been conducted on women of oriental origin may contribute to the uncertainty of literature data. In particular, it has been reported that for the same BMI Asians had higher body fat percentage and abdominal obesity components compared with those of Caucasian s是什么意思?

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The fact that most of the previously mentioned studies have been conducted on women of oriental origin may contribute to the uncertainty of literature data. In particular, it has been reported that for the same BMI Asians had higher body fat percentage and abdominal obesity components compared with those of Caucasian s

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2013-05-23 12:21:38
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2013-05-23 12:23:18
这一事实,最前面提到的相应研究的课题有东方血统的妇女可能有助于文学的不确定性的数据。 特别是,据报道,在同一邦盟㶅骏亚洲人身体的脂肪都有更高百分比和腹部肥胖与组件的高加索问题,这可能是有害的骨骼(47)。
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2013-05-23 12:24:58
The fact that most of the previously mentioned studies have been conducted on women of oriental origin may contribute to the uncertainty of literature data. In particular, it has been reported that for the same BMI Asians had higher body fat percentage and abdominal obesity components compared with
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2013-05-23 12:26:38
事实有东方血统的妇女进行了大多数前面提到的研究可能有助于文学数据的不确定性。尤其是,据报为相同的 BMI 亚洲人有更高的身体脂肪百分比和腹部肥胖组件相比那些白种,这可能是有害的骨 (47)。事实上,它报告说,生产的促炎性细胞因子 (il-6、 TNF-α 较高比皮下脂肪、 腹部的脂肪芳香化酶活性与脂联素的分泌则较低,在内脏脂肪 (25,26)。
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2013-05-23 12:28:18

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